SNAplus and Your Customer December 14, 1992 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to explain why HP undertook the SNAplus project, how it will impact your customers, and provide you with the information necessary to discuss SNAplus with your customers. 2. WHY HP IS MIGRATING THE SNA CLASSIC PRODUCTS TO SNAplus Prior to SNAplus, our IBM connectivity solution came from multiple vendors, was incomplete, and was not able to provide solutions for new IBM networking technology. With SNAplus, HP has chosen a strategic partner, with a vision similar to our own, of the direction in which we need to evolve our IBM connectivity products. This partnership will enable HP to provide the networking solutions our customers need today, as well as future IBM networking technology solutions. The SNAplus solution on the HP 9000 platform will replace the functions available with the old classic SNA products and will augment these products with important new functions. Migration to SNAplus will require customers who are running the classic LU6.2 API to modify their applications. Substantial differences exist in calling structure, parameters and transaction program logic between the classic SNA LU6.2 API and the SNAplusAPI interfaces. This is because each vendor implements the LU6.2 specification differently. (Documentation is available now to help you and your customers to prepare for migration to SNAplusAPI.) In presenting SNAplus to customers with LU6.2 applications, it is important to help them understand why HP is moving to SNAplus and to emphasize the added functions they will be receiving, at no cost (provided they are on support contract), for example, SNA over Token Ring, Motif interface, LU0,1,2,3 interfaces, EHLLAPI. The existing, as well as new functions, provided by SNAplus over the classic SNA products, are outlined in this document in order to help you to explain the new functionality your customers will be receiving with SNAplus and position the work which will be required to port existing applications to SNAplusAPI. 3. PRODUCTS AND FEATURES 3.1 SNAplusLink for Series 700 (J2226A), Series 800 (J2220A) SNAplusLink (maximum 254 LUs) includes the following functionality: Client/Server (Gateway) SDLC s/w *QLLC s/w *Token Ring s/w NetView Alerts Proposed for Release 1 (2QC92) Release 2 (1CQ93) Release 3 (4CQ93) LU0,1,2,3,6.2 #2.1 Primary PU2.1 BSD Sockets I/F 2.1 Secondary SDLC #NetView Alerts #NetView Query/Reply #NetView RTM Support #S700/UX/SDLC #S700/UX/TRN/QLLC S800/UX/SDLC #S800/UX/TRN/QLLC * Release 2 # New capability SNAplus does not provide a link for the Series 300/400. Series 300/400 servers need to be replaced with Series 700 servers. Link software for the 700 will be provided at no charge for customers with support contracts. Customers need to purchase the Series 700 and EISA card. 3.2 SNAplus3270 for Series 300/400 (J2233A), Series 700 (J2227A, Series 800 (J2221A) SNAplus3270 includes the following functionality: EHLLAPI *MOTIF **SNA3270 NLS Proposed for Release 1 (2QC92) Release 2 (1CQ93) Release 3 (4CQ93) Model 2 #MOTIF I/F NLS - 16 bit #Model 3,4,5 #Full Color PC File Transfer #3270 RTM #EHLLAPI LU 1/3 Printer #Character Oriented Window #Multiple Sessions S300/UX S300/UX #PC Clients S400/UX S400/UX (partial) S700/UX S700/UX S800/UX S800/UX ** Available on classic product. Not available on SNAplus until Release 3. # New capbility 3.3 SNAplusAPI for Series 300/400 (J2235A), Series 700 (J2229A), Series 800 (J2223A) SNAplusAPI includes the following functionality: LU6.2 API *NetView API *LUA API (LU0,1,2,3) **CPI-C Proposed for Release 1 (2QC92) Release 2 (1CQ93) Release 3 (4CQ93) LU6.2 API #NetView API #CPI-C -Interactive Control #LU0 I/F Operator Verbs (COV) #LU2 I/F -Dynamic CNOS #Programmatic COV #-Conversaton Level Security #-Session Level Security S300/UX S300/UX #PC Clients S400/UX S400/UX (partial) S700/UX S700/UX S800/UX S800/UX * Release 2 ** Release 3 # New capability 3.4 SNAplusRJE for Series 300/400 (J2234A), Series 700 (J2228A), Series 800 (J2222A) SNAplusRJE includes the following functionality: Proposed for Release 1 (2QC92) Release 2 (1CQ93) Release 3 (4CQ93) IBM 3770 #MOTIF I/F Character Oriented Window S300/UX S400/UX S700/UX S800/UX # New capability 3.5 SNA3179G for Series 300/400 (J2236A), Series 700 (J2230A), Series 800 (J2224A) SNAplus3179G includes the following functionality: Proposed for Release 1 (2QC92) Release 2 (1CQ93) Release 3 (4CQ93) Graphic Data Display #NLS - 16 Bit Manager All Points Addressable #PC File Transfer #Cut and Paste #3270 RTM #3 Window Sizes #EHLLAPI #LU 1/3 Printer #MOTIF I/F #Full X Compliant S300/UX S400/UX #S700/UX #S800/UX # New capability 4.0 O/S Releases Release 1 will be supported on the following O/S: 700 - 8.07 800 - 8.0, 8.02 300/400 - 8.0 Release 2 will be supported on the following O/S: 700 - 9.0 WS/IF3 800 - 9.0 MU 300/400 - 9.0 WS/IF3 Classic SNA will be supported on the following O/S: 700 - 8.05, 8.07 800 - 8.0, 8.02, 8.06 300/400 - 8.0 Classic SNA will be support on HP-UX 9.0 for 16-bit NLS only. 5.0 Additional information The following additional information is available on the Network Hotline: "SNAPLUS" Product info, press announcement, data sheets "SNAPQA" Most commonly asked questions and answers "SNAPDIF" Differences between Classic HP-UX SNA products and HP-UX SNAplus products "SNAPLUS6" Transaction Program migration document for LU 6.2 applications